Swimming pools can be expensive, not just to buy, but to install, maintain and enjoy. The portability of our EZ Pools means a customer simply needs to buy the pool and that’s it. Just unfold it, fill it and enjoy it. Oh sure there are some time spent in cleaning it and maintaining, but if you so choose you can always drain it, take it down and pack it away during the months it will not be used. The Shinders do just that. Martin built a small little shed to one end of the yard, they drain the pool, fold it up and put everything in the shed out of the way.

The Shinder Family

12’ x 22’ EZ Pool

Love it, love it, love it. Big enough for the whole family (plus a lot of cousins), but small enough to fit in our small area. Love it.

Legal Notice: These pictures were provided to EZ Pool Products, Inc. by our customers. If anyone finds these pictures anywhere else on the internet with false or misleading information, please contact us immediately.