The Johnson Family

12’ x 12’ x 60” Deep Family Pool

As I was saying, we love the pool and what it has done for our family.  My youngest son is autistic and did not interact much with his siblings.  He also has anxiety problems that caused self injuring behavior.  He cried a lot and we had a hard time soothing him.  He loves the water, so his therapist recommended we try connecting with him while he was in the water.  Purchasing this pool was really a turning point for my son.  He was so happy when he was in the pool, we interacted as a family and most of the negative behaviors were minimal.  We spent hours on the pool, sometime till very late at night.  We must have a pool for him in the summer because school is out and he would have too much feel time which may cause those negative behaviors to appear.  Thank you, so much for being helpful and understanding in getting us a new larger and deeper pool for this fast approaching summer. Mishaun

Legal Notice: These pictures were provided to EZ Pool Products, Inc. by our customers. If anyone finds these pictures anywhere else on the internet with false or misleading information, please contact us immediately.

    Mishaun and Ray bought a 12’ x 12’ pool from us back in 2005, and according to them, it changed their autistic son’s life. Now they are looking to purchase a replacement pool not because they need a new one (seven seasons later and the pool is till working) but because they need a deeper pool for their growing boy. We are always here to help.