Interesting story. As we stated, 2006 say the introduction of the first-ever insulated portable pool. It was intended for our smaller therapy pools, but over the years we have used in in other ways. With Linda Hunt, she had researched the idea of an indoor pool for months. Was confident that we were the right choice until here contractor came back and said the gas heater size they needed just would not work at their home. They were crushed, until we started talking about our new therapy pool design.
Because the insulated material reduces heat loos by 97%, the hunt’s could use a much smaller gas heater that would work on their home gas line. Without the heat loss, the water temperature would still be at the desired temperature she needed and for a whole lot less money. So we build, filled, tested and shipped the only insulated 12’ x 17’ we have ever made. And everything worked out perfectly for her in the end.