The extremely durable liner material that we use means a customer can simply unfold the liner, snap a few parts together and start filling. For many new homes in the desert, that’s a real plus as the new homes come with no backyard landscape - just dirt. That was exactly what Linda had, a lot of dirt in the Nevada desert. So she bought our pool, set it up herself, and her and her children had a cool pool in the desert heat during the summer.

The Holsten Family

Legal Notice: These pictures were provided to EZ Pool Products, Inc. by our customers. If anyone finds these pictures anywhere else on the internet with false or misleading information, please contact us immediately.

12’ x 12’ EZ Pool

After buying the home we did not have enough money to do the backyard. OPutting your pool back there gave us something exciting to enjoy while we saved up our money to eventually do a nice backyard landscape. Thank you so much for helping us out with everything. I’n no pool pro, but I can handle this.