The Greenwald Family

12’ x 22’ Family Pool

Legal Notice: These pictures were provided to EZ Pool Products, Inc. by our customers. If anyone finds these pictures anywhere else on the internet with false or misleading information, please contact us immediately.

Not the hardest project I have ever done, but not as “EZ” as I thought either. The pool was easy to assemble, but my ground adjusted under the weight and I wanted it to be perfect. Thanks for all the help and support. Having a great time in our pool. I think you will agree the pool is very professional looking.

B. Greenwald

    EZ Pools are just that “easy”. They are basically designed to be easy to assemble, easy to maintain and easy to take down (if the customer so chooses). And though we truly encourage families to spend less time preparing the ground and more time just enjoying the pool, some customers want everything to be “perfect”. That was the case with Mr. Bob Greenwald. It was important for him to have the pool area not only as perfect as possible, but the finished project to be professional. And what a great job he did.