AXE Women

17’ x 17’ Event Pool

Legal Notice: These pictures were provided to EZ Pool Products, Inc. by our customers. If anyone finds these pictures anywhere else on the internet with false or misleading information, please contact us immediately.

Thanks Simon,

The pool has worked out great. We are now booked for the whole summer - a first for us. People love the show, and your pool helped make that possible. Thanks for making such a great product.

A. Harper 

    I think the average person would be a bit intimidated when a customer calls from an organization called “Axe Women”.Alissa Harper, and her band of axe-wielding women, are wives of lumberjacks. And they have a unique show that displays all the traditional lumberjack games - but done by the wives. Log rolling is one of the competitions they do - which requires available water (which is where we come in). The show started getting more and popular and they needed a, EZ pool that was portable yet durable, for their log rolling competition. Which, of course, led them to EZ Pools. We created the right pool for their needs and can now sleep better knowing we made Axe Women happy.....